

The Purposes of Packaging

The product's packaging serves a variety of purposes. Below are a few of the significant ones:


Product safety during handling, transportation, and storage. avoids shifting, moving, or colliding of the items inside the package during handling and transportation, preventing any harm. The product needs to be shielded from environmental factors like heat, cold, moisture, etc. To avoid any adulteration, it should also be tamper-proof.


To make the package into a unit load, unitize it. It facilitates handling and storage. If the packages are all the same size, the storage space is used more efficiently and time and effort can be saved during handling, loading, and unloading.


Convenience Both from a logistical and customer standpoint, the package should be convenient. Convenience in logistics relates to handling and storage. Consumer convenience relates to things that are simple to open, carry, etc.

Packaging Affecting Factors

Kinds of Product

Distinct products will have different packaging. Which type of packaging would be more suitable will depend on the product's physical form. Even for products with the same physical form, such as liquids, various packaging options are available.

Transport Distance

Transport distance may also have an impact on packaging. Stronger and more protective packing would be necessary for longer journeys.

System for Material Handling

When choosing to package, it's important to consider the kind of material handling system that will be employed. Larger packages can be handled by automated and mechanical devices, whilst smaller packages must be used for physical material handling.

Sensitivity to Product

It is also important to take into account how sensitive the product is to the physical environment and external factors. Certain goods are more susceptible to factors like heat, moisture, dust, chemicals, etc. 

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